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[closed] Linking a Test Case in RQM with a requirement in RRC

 I am trying to create test cases in Rational Quality manager and link them to Requirements in Rational Requirements Composer. 
I was using the RQMExcelWordImporter utility 4.01 to generate the XML files from my excel spreadsheet and the method of directly exporting them to the repository.
I use the configuration file as mentioned below:


The excel spreadsheet has 2 sheets. 1 named "TestCases" and another one named "Requirements". There are 3 test cases and 3 requirements. Each test case mapping to a requirement.
I use the utility to export these artifacts (Test cases to RQM and Requirements to RRC) to the repository and create links between them. 

When the utility completes its execution, 3 test cases get created in RQM and 3 requirements get created in RRC. But the test cases do not have any link to the requirement. In addition to the 3 test cases created, 3 more  test cases (using the same details as the ones in the requirements sheet) gets created in RQM and they have the link to the requirements in RRC.

Can anyone please point me to something that I am doing wrong here? Or, what else should i try to successfully create the artifacts and create the link between the Test Cases (in RQM) and Requirements (in RRC)? 



1 vote


 Just to add to the scenario mentioned above... 

If i make a change to the config file by adding:

or requirement.XLSArtifactID, 6 artifacts get created. 3 Test cases in RQM and 3 Requirements in RRC. But this time, there are no links between the test cases and requirements.

Please let me know if you think I am doing something wrong here!!!


Hi Vijay,

Have you looked over the information available on these wiki pages?

There are some updates described there that could be helpful.

1 vote

The question has been closed for the following reason: "The question is answered, right answer was accepted" by rschoon May 25 '17, 12:20 p.m.

Accepted answer

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Hi Vijay,

From Excel Importer 4.0,
the your config file will create new requirement every time,
when link testcase to existing requirement, you need to check the "Linking to existing RM requirement" check box.
and do the linking through Excel Importer UI.
you can refer to the links provided by Max.
VIJAY SUNDARESHWARAN selected this answer as the correct answer

1 vote


@Hao Wan - Thank you for your reply. I did try the option of linking to an existing requirement through the UI. That worked successfully. I was able to upload  requirements first and then import and link test case to them. Links are correctly there under "validates" and "validated by" sections. But the scenario stated above came up when we had to import both the requirements and their associated test cases together and we had a large number of these artifacts. Assuming we create a single test case for each of the requirement, we are looking for an easier way to import all these requirements and test cases that we have in an Excel Sheet format to the Repository. So when I tried attempting this, I see the requirements set created again in RQM, in addition to them getting created in RRC. 

Is there any way (i assume i need to use attributes in the config file) to prevent these requirements from getting created in RQM again? 
As stated above, I can prevent these repetitions by specifying the XLSWorkSheetID 
attribute. But I don't see the link between the requirement and test case.

if you want to import new test case and new requirement and link them together,  you can refer to the sample, "TestPlan with TestCases 001 linked to requirement 001.xls"
the sample create 1 testplan ,  5 testcases and 5 requirements, each testcase is linked to one requirement.

@Hao Wan.. yea that was the one I was using to import my test cases and requirements. I tried using the sample as such. And it worked just like it should creating 5 testcases and 5 requirements, each testcase is linked to one requirement. But when I tried to remove the test plan section from the sheet and attempted to match it as per my need (just having test cases in one sheet and requirements in another) ... and trying to edit the configuration file by commenting out the test plan section.. I end up with the same problem. Where the requirements get created in RQM as well as test cases. I know I am definitely doing something wrong in the configuration file. Trying to figure out what it is....  I will post how the config file looks after i modified it.

 I removed the Test Plan section from the sample file and edited the config file. I commented out the Test Plan section in the config file and changed the XLSStartRow as 2 for the test case. I am attaching a screenshot of the excel sample file and the config file after this modification. I assume I am doing something wrong here, but trying to figure out what it is and why the requirements get created again in RQM as test cases. Excel Sheet after modification Config File after Modification

Hi Vijay,
from Excel Importer 4.0 the Reportable REST API for requirement is
Formally deprecated in RQM 4.0 and will no longer be supported in the next major release any more, and requirement are created through OSLC in 4.0, and will create new requirement every time when exporting.
That means, you could not do a update for requirement currently.

Hi Wan.. I was only trying to remove the test plan section from the config file and try and match it for my excel sheet. And that is where I am facing the problem of Test Cases not getting linked with requirements or requirements getting created as Test Cases. 

But  if I use the sample, "TestPlan with TestCases 001 linked to requirement 001.xls" , and its config file, there is no problem in uploading the artifacts. 
So is there any way to work around this problem?
And as @Der M requested below, can you please  elaborate on the answer above. Thanks!!

Hi Vijay,

would you try to add the following config file?
testcase.XLSWorksheetID="Acme Hammers"

1 vote

Thanks a lot Wan!!!... That did the trick!!! Now the config file looks like this and it works great... Thanks!!

testcase.XLSWorksheetID="Acme Hammers"


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from Excel Importer 4.0 the Reportable REST API for requirement is Formally deprecated in RQM 4.0 and will no longer be supported in the next major release any more, and requirement are created through OSLC in 4.0

Could you explain this a little more?  Are we losing the Excel importer functionality?

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 @Hao Wan..  Thanks a lot for helping me resolve the earlier problem.. I am now able to upload test cases and requirements in 2 worksheets and am able to link them successfully... 
I also came across the LinkExisting() modifier.. so is there a way to import Test Cases and link them to existing requirement in RRC? I don't want to use the RQMWordExcelImporter Utility's Interface and do the linking, instead is there an alternative approach using the LinkExisting() modifier and import the test cases and link them to exiting requirements?

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Hi Vijay,
the LinkExisting() modifier is only for link to existing master test asset, if you want to link to existing requirement you can have a try with check the "Linking to existing RM requirement" check box. This Feature is added in Excel Importer 4.0.1

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@Hao Wan.. yeah I did try this and I was able to import Test cases and link them to requirements using this utility. I wanted to know if instead of manually selecting the Requirements, is there a way by which we can import the test cases and link them to the requirements by using only the config file? Just like how the test cases and requirements are uploaded together in the example mentioned above in this forum, I would like to know if there is a way (using the LinkExisting() or any other modifier) by which an existing requirement can be linked (without any manual intervention at all).

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An RFE has been raised for this issue: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rfe/execute?use_case=viewRfe&CR_ID=51138

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 RFE is Rejected in the following note:
Could not link new testcases to existing requirement through OSLC using an specified external id due to limitation of RRC restAPI (64383)

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Hello Vijay, 

If above solution has worked for you, could u please let me know what is A in below command 


If you have tried anything else please share
Thanks in Advance 

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Question asked: Dec 06 '12, 2:22 p.m.

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Last updated: May 25 '17, 12:23 p.m.

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