Looking for Tips or Advice for Generating Documents of RRC Artifacts
Hi - We are using RRC version 4.0.1 and do not have RPE. I am looking for tips or advice on generating requirements and other documents, such as diagrams, from RRC into Microsoft Word format. We have just started using RRC and are not in a position yet to have our business partners use the tool solely for reviews. Additionally, for audit and compliance purposes, we will need to produce document style artifacts for audit and compliance purposes. We have added our own template to RRC but find it tedious to to populate it for generation. Additionally, the formatting is not very user friendly and can be difficult to read. Same holds true for use the canned Requirement Report generator. Any suggestions you may have would be much appreciated. Thanks!
2 answers
Which kind of information is populated into the report wizard?
We have a Microsoft Word template. Within that template we enter text into it directly but in other parts we are attempting to imbed artifacts, such as diagrams or textual requirements. We were also told we could print off a collection or requirements and then copy and paste them in but it is still the same issue.
When using the report wizard, we are mainly printing off textual requirement artifacts with the attributes.
I hope to hear from others but I think your best option is probably to use RRDI. Which has a bit of a learning curve up front. However there are some great resources to get you started.
A good place to start: http://www-304.ibm.com/jct03001c/services/learning/ites.wss/us/en?pageType=page&c=G769660W61585A21
On this page there is a section under "Reporting" with links that will take you to the tutorial section of the help, to a Youtube channel with lots of educational videos and to a page with workshop resources.