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JTS login after session timeout doesn't work.

Aaron Chorpenning (371015) | asked Jan 15 '14, 2:40 p.m.

Our instance of JTS is not allowing us to relogin when our login has supposedly expired. I could be creating a work item, walk away from my desk, come back in 20 minutes or so, try to go somewhere else within CCM/RM/QM, and the Jazz login prompt comes up. When I try to log back in, it keeps prompting me and doesn't ever login again. I have to close the browsers and revisit the site.

We are using RTC 4.0.4, running in Windows with Websphere, using LDAP and Active Directory, and accessing the site with Internet Explorer 9/10.

Maybe increasing the Websphere timeout would help? How is that done?

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Kot T. (1.5k11319) | answered Jan 15 '14, 4:19 p.m.

Aaron Chorpenning commented Jan 27 '14, 12:24 p.m. | edited Jan 27 '14, 6:11 p.m.

I did increase the session time out so the period of time was longer. However, this is still occuring. Once the login prompt comes up for an expired session, I cannot relogin to the site successfully unless I close the browser window.

If this is proper behavior, like other sites on the web, then the login prompt mechanism should be replaced with a session timeout page. I'll submit this as a defect.

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