Multiple UUID's for a stream

I have a stream having 3 UUID's. when I try to use command line options it's showing like
Ambiguous selector "Main_str" matched multiple items:
Possible matches:
(1089) "Main_str"
(1090) "Main_str"
(1091) "Main_str"
Problem running 'workspace add-flowtargets':
Ambiguous workspace/stream "Main_str"
But, when I list the streams it's showing only one stream with UUID 1090. How does it possible?
when UUID gets generated?
is it possible for one stream having multiple UUID's ?
How multiple UUID's for one stream gets generated? and, bestway to get rid of duplicate/unnecessary UUID's and how to prevent ?
R Dama
Accepted answer

The IDs you saw are not UUID but stream's aliases. It's NOT possible for a stream to have multiple UUIDs or multiple aliases.