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RTC eclipse client Query result can edit work items

kavita herur (5876894) | asked Nov 05 '12, 3:31 a.m.
Hi All,
  We have RTC customized work items. Like Work items can't be edited by every one.If we want to edit few attributes it should follow some process in RTC.
 But when we query with these attributes in result,  I can edit by right click menu and change to other value.

 How to disable the items from right click menu in eclipse query result.
Or is it related to RTC customization and how to do that.


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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Nov 05 '12, 3:41 p.m.
Editing a work item through the work item query results is controlled by the same permissions and operation behaviors as editing it through any other mechanism.   If you find that is not the case, please submit a bug report to Rational Support, or as a work item via

kavita herur commented Jan 16 '13, 4:19 a.m.

I tried adding exception to save work item in extensions at server side.

It works for query  right click and change value shows error. But this exception is executing when I try to modify work ticket in proper way(following our process).

 Is there way in extension to catch context of execution of save work item?

Like context 1 ->work item is getting saved by opening work ticket

or  context 2 -->by query results?


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