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Planned For - Iteration displays in Alphabetical order

Sunita Dinakar (11413842) | asked Nov 01 '12, 5:16 a.m.
edited Nov 01 '12, 6:29 a.m.

We have our iterations in the name Jan-13, Feb-13 and so on until Dec-12. The order is maintained in this desired way under the Timeline section. But when we try to choose the iteration against the "Planned For" attribute in a work item, it sorts to an alphabetical format automatically.

How can we get rid of this behavior and retain the same order as seen in the Timeline section? 


2 answers

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Guido Schneider (3.4k1491115) | answered Nov 01 '12, 6:00 a.m.

I don't think this is possible. Most controls sort the Iterations alphabetically. The All Plans View sorts it by End date.

We have monthly sprints. To sort them we use another notation:

"2012.01" , "2012.02" etc.

If  people like to see also the written month you can extend this by "2012.01 (Jan)", etc.

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Sunita Dinakar (11413842) | answered Feb 14 '13, 5:05 a.m.
When we upgraded to from, this problem was automatically fixed. 

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