While creating a new test case, why "Function" field values not updated based on "Component" value selected
Accepted answer
You need to make the Function Category be a "child" of Component. Then you can select which Function values belong to which component values. In general you need to have at least project admin authority to do this. It sounds like in your case, that Component and Function are peer categories therefore there is no relationship between them.
One other answer
Here 's a link to RQM documentation that shows how to create parent-child dependency using subcategories
- http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v4r0/topic/com.ibm.rational.test.qm.doc/topics/t_setup_categories.html?resultof=%22%63%61%74%65%67%6f%72%79%22%20%22%63%61%74%65%67%6f%72%69%22%20%22%64%65%70%65%6e%64%65%6e%74%22%20%22%64%65%70%65%6e%64%22%20