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Move all Test Assets from one project area to another using duplicate

Karen Steele (1.2k2137146) | asked Nov 16 '17, 9:07 a.m.
edited Nov 16 '17, 9:08 a.m.

Is there a way to use the duplicate feature of the Test Plan to duplicate it into another project area and retain ALL assets including the test results ?  The duplicate seem to only take as far as execution records but does not duplicate the results. 

We have an issue in our project area that nobody seems to be able to resolve (a 500 error when scrolling thru test scripts) - so we thought duplicating from one area to another may alleviate that issue then we're remove the old instance.

RQM version 6.0.2 with latest ifix

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Elohim Arranaga (2461) | answered Nov 29 '17, 12:28 p.m.

 Hi Karen, Unfortunately there is no way to copy the test results as there are some restrictions to do so, what I suggest is to open a ticket for support to work on the original problem, they will surely help you fix that problem or find a work around. 

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