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Any API's available to Implement RTC from scratch

Mohan Rao (812) | asked Dec 31 '13, 3:52 a.m.
Hello Team,

Currently we are using non-IBM tools for defect tracking. 
Now we are planning to implement RTC for  defect tracking. For this I need the below information

1. Looking for integration between RTC and project planning tools(ALM)
2. Looking for integration between RTC and source control ()
3. Migration of the data from existing defect tracking tool to RTC.

Please suggest any API's are available to achieve the above tasks for smooth implementation of RTC from end to end project execution.


Accepted answer

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Piotr Aniola (3.7k11738) | answered Dec 31 '13, 4:31 a.m.
edited Dec 31 '13, 4:32 a.m.
Are you only implementing RTC for defect tracking? Please consider also using it for source control and planning, as it has these capabilities.

As for the APIs, REST API
and Java API:
are available.

Out-of-the-box integrations with some source control and tracking software are also available, as well as migration mechanisms. Please let me know which exact systems do you use for this, so I can suggest a solution.

Mohan Rao selected this answer as the correct answer

Mohan Rao commented Dec 31 '13, 8:35 a.m.

 Thanks Piotr for your quick responce:

I want to bring couple of points to your notice
1. We are using different tools for different projects like jiraa, QC and CA Service Desk manager.
2. For defect tracking we have customized screens and fields which are not available in RTC. I heard that RTC has global screens which can not be altered. Is it true?
3. Coming to source control, If I use RTC as my defect tracking tool can I use any build tools?
4. Our required is, we are running continues builds and for every defect the status should be changed by the build only. for this again I need a integration between build and defect tracking. I don't think currently RTC can do this task automatically. I don't want to change the status manually.

Piotr Aniola commented Dec 31 '13, 8:56 a.m.
  1. Here you will find a guide on how to import data from other defect tracking systems to RTC:
  2. I don't understand what you mean by "screens" (please clarify), but attributes in workitems are highly customizable in RTC.
  3. You can at least use JBE, which supports Ant and Maven, among others. Jenkins is also supported.
  4. I'm not sure I understand the requirement, please describe in more detail.

2 other answers

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Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103) | answered Dec 31 '13, 5:13 a.m.
On top of Piotr answer - RTC uses OSLC. You can use OSLC to integrate them if your tool also uses OSLC.

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Mohan Rao (812) | answered Jan 01 '14, 12:27 a.m.
 Thanks Piotr for your quick responce:

I want to bring couple of points to your notice
1. We are using different tools for different projects like jiraa, QC and CA Service Desk manager.
2. For defect tracking we have customized screens and fields which are not available in RTC. I heard that RTC has global screens which can not be altered. Is it true?
3. Coming to source control, If I use RTC as my defect tracking tool can I use any build tools?
4. Our required is, we are running continues builds and for every defect the status should be changed by the build only. for this again I need a integration between build and defect tracking. I don't think currently RTC can do this task automatically. I don't want to change the status manually.

sam detweiler commented Jan 01 '14, 8:40 a.m.
  1. in my prior company, we used many different tools for Defect tracking. We were able to design a new common defect definition, and were wokring on using an external tool, Kovair Omnibus,  to syncronize between those systems and RTC where needed.  we did not want OSLC linking.

  2. in general yes. RTC provides built in connection to Jenkins/Hudson,  provides its own build engine (JBE). you can wrapper anything with ANT. I have a compiled Perl application that I wrote a custom ant script for, and use Jenkins to run the builds. the compiler can compile for many different platforms.

  3. RTC integrated builds will update the workitem with a build record, but it won't change the status. the only time, in my opinion, this should happen is of the build fails, and the developer had set "Implemented" state. The failed build should force it back into "In Progress".

    you can design custom screens for defects. really easy in RTC.

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