Managing RQM Project Area Property using OSLC or REST API
I am trying to modify Artifact Categories and Custom Attributes of RQM project area using OSLC OR REST API. I got the sevice provider catalog and service provider for the project area. However, i am not able to find anything for updating the project area properties. Is there any way to update this categories programatically?
One answer
You can CRUD categories/custom attributes using the RQM Reportable REST API. However, you cannot update any project area properties using either API.
There is the Team Process API (, but it is provisional.
There is the Team Process API (, but it is provisional.
Thanks Paul
Do you mean that we can CRUD the existing test artifacts and perform change/update for categories/custom attributes on existing artifacts? and we can't update the categories/custom attributes values in a given project area so that it can be available for new test artifacts while their creations?
You can do both using the RQM Reportable REST API (see