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RTC BIRT Reports do not see data from the Rational Insight data warehouse

Steve Mulligan (1761321) | asked Dec 16 '13, 1:49 p.m.

After switching the our CLM servers from local data warehouses to a shared Rational Insight data warehouse, the RTC Shared BIRT reports do not see the data from the Rational Insight warehouse.

The Work Items report "Open Work Items" when run, results in "No work items were found".
The Work Items report "Work Item Comparison" has no data in the Team Areas, Timeline or Iteration prompts.

The RQM BIRT Reports work fine and the prompts for them are populated.

The Rational Insight ETL is running fine, and I have verified the data is in the Rational Insight warehouse.

Is there something that needs to be done on the CLM Servers to make the connection to the Rational Insight data warehouse. Other than to change the Data warehouse connection settings.

Steve Mulligan commented Dec 17 '13, 2:10 p.m.

Running the Work Items "Data Collection Job" will populate the prompts for the "Open Work Items" report.  But, I don't want to run the Data Collection jobs any more.  I want the RTC report prompts to see the latest data in the warehouse when the Rational Insight RTC job is run. 

Running the Rational Insight RTC job will update the Rational Insight data warehouse, but the RTC report prompts do not see the new data.  What triggers the prompts to get new data from the Rational Insight warehouse?

sam detweiler commented Dec 17 '13, 2:47 p.m.

As you've found, the BIRT reports only run against the RTC repository and RTC warehouse. they will not run against the Insight warehouse. 

this is by design. if you decide to use RRDI/Insight, then you should get reports from their reports structure. (which is not as complete, or as easy to use as those done with BIRT). 

Steve Mulligan commented Dec 17 '13, 3:30 p.m.

You say "the BIRT reports run against the RTC repository and RTC warehouse."  When you use Rational Insight, then the RTC warehouse is the Rational Insight warehouse. The RTC prompts appear to get their data from the Rational Insight warehouse, but they do not see new data populated into the RI warehouse.  It appears the prompt data is cached.  The Java ETL must trigger the cache to be refreshed.  With Rational Insight, what triggers the cache to be refreshed?

Rafik Jaouani commented Dec 17 '13, 3:45 p.m.

RTC has a mechanism that lets it know that the data in the Insight Warehouse has changed. It basically looks at the CONFIG.ETL_INFO table to know when was the last time the ETL had run successfully.

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Steve Mulligan (1761321) | answered Dec 18 '13, 9:42 a.m.
Ok, that explains what is happening.  I changed the resourceGroup guids in the xdc files, which are used as keys in the ETL_INFO table. This was done to make it easier to tell which rows were for which of the 6 production CLM servers.  I will have to change the guids back to the ones from the generated xdc files and update the ETL_INFO table to reflect the changed guids.

Jackie Albert commented Dec 18 '13, 2:42 p.m.

Here's a query you can use to get the original ID per repository:


I find that a lot easier than re-downloading the XDC files.

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