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What's the difference between a Project Area and a Repository in RDz/RTC?

SCOTT BATES (132) | asked Aug 12 '21, 12:48 p.m.

Having trouble logging into the Repository of our RDz/RTC.   

In an effort to resolve, I may have disconnected from a Project Area.
Could the disconnection to the project area be causing the problem with logging into the repository?

I'm not sure I understand the difference between the Repository and Project Area.
Any guidance or explaination you can provide will be appreciated.

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 13 '21, 3:16 a.m.

The repository is the whole application and its database.

A project area is just an organizational item/structure to manage work items and other artifacts.

If you only get disconnected from a project area, I would assume you should be able to log in e.g. https://someserver:someport/ccm/web or https://someserver:someport/jts/web . 
You might not be able to see more than your own dashboard, but you should be able to have some options e.g. see an (maybe empty) reference to your project areas etc.

If your user account is no longer allowed to log into the repository for whatever reason, you would not be able to login at all.

SCOTT BATES selected this answer as the correct answer

SCOTT BATES commented Aug 13 '21, 9:56 a.m.

Ralph, thanks for clarifying the difference between the repository and a project area.  I understand it now.  I am having issues logging into the repository, and am working with the server administrator in an effort to resolve.

Thanks again!

One other answer

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SCOTT BATES (132) | answered Aug 23 '21, 1:05 p.m.

FYI.  My situation has been resolved, and I can now log into the RDz/RTC Repository/Server. 

 What the network/administration folks told me was that there was an inconsistency/discrepancy between the RTC Server, LDAP, and our WebSphere Server.   The RTC Server Error was not noticeable until an attempt was made to add a new user to the RTC Server.  

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