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RTC/RQM 4.0.4: How to link TSER or Testsuites to RTC task?

Jörg Werner (3033881) | asked Dec 05 '13, 3:17 a.m.
We have setup a testplan with many testsuites in RQM.
Now we want to link a Testsuite and a Test Suite Execution Record (TSER) to a RTC task and track the result in RTC.

On Testcase/TCER level it works, but it seems RTC don't know testsuites, at least a direct link is not possible?

As a work-a-round I can use "link artefact", but then the user has always to follow the link to see the execution result.

How can I link a TSER to RTC task and if it is not possible, is this an already scheduled enhancement?

 Thanks, Jörg

Accepted answer

permanent link
Lauren Hayward Schaefer (3.3k11727) | answered Dec 05 '13, 7:33 a.m.
Hi Jörg,
I can't find a way to link a test suite with an artifact in ccm.  It's possible to link a test suite to a test plan and then link a test plan to a ccm plan. 
Jörg Werner selected this answer as the correct answer

sune lomholt commented Feb 18 '14, 8:18 a.m. | edited Feb 18 '14, 8:30 a.m.


Did you find a way around this?

We have just encountered the same problem and for us the link between test plan and development plan is not enough. The problem is that a test plan can have many test suites and a development plan can have many tasks. Hence if I want to plan with execution of test through a test suite it would be nice to have the possibility to create a link directly between a task and a test suite execution record.


Jörg Werner commented Feb 18 '14, 9:21 a.m.

Hi Sune,

no, I have no solution. Probably we will not use test suites at the beginning. Instead we will use single test plans (child test plans) and assign the child test plans to one master test plan.

   Regards, Jörg

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