TSER Status by Owner Using Weight report, correct?
I use the TSER Status by Owner Using Weight report to track progress as we execute against a test plan. I don't feel that this report accurately reflects the status of the TSERs. Looking for other's opinions on if this report works the way you want or if you, like me, think it is inaccurate.
We run all of our tests as part of test suites. Each test suite can have 1 or more test cases, but each test case only has one script associated with it. For this example, assume I have begun executin a TSER that has three test cases associated with it, each worth 10 points:
- first test case is complete
- second test case has been started, for example, half of the test scripts steps are complete
- third test case has not been attempted
This report will show:
- 10 points complete
- 10 points attempted
- 20 points not started
I feel it should show:
- 10 points complete
- 20 points attempted
- 10 poinst not started
My feeling is that at this point I have result records for the frist two test cases, but not the third one. Even the TSER result record will show 1 test case complete, 1 test case as started, and 1 test case as not started. Every RQM artifact considers this second test case as attempted, the only place that I'm aware of that these 10 points are still considered as not started are in this report.