Does RTC can launch a test in RQM ?

Accepted answer

assuming you mean if a test suite can be executed as a result of a work item status change in principle this is possible. The RTC Extension Workshop shows example of starting builds or other actions on work item save:
I suggest to use this as a starting point and decide whether server side REST API call can be used to execute Test Suite or whether to trigger a "build" (i.e. an automated execution of a custom action) and use client side code in a RTC build toolkit ant task to trigger. Since test automation tools can be integrated with RQM this should be doable.
To find out how to build a custom RTC build toolkit ant task please see
If any of this is helpful to create what you need please mark this answer as accepted.
- Arne
One other answer

There is nothing built into RTC at the moment.
As Arne explains, you would have to create some automation so that RTC knows what to run and is also able to start that in a follow up action. This can get quite complex very fast especially since this needs to work across tools and potentially manage the authentication across those.