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Prevent asset consumers from seeing the Review link in the General Details page of the asset.

Sripriya Karimpuzhasriram (134852) | asked Dec 03 '13, 7:48 a.m.

We have configured the community so that the consumer sees only the assets in the "Approved" state. Is it possible to hide the "Review" link from the consumer's view?

We are using RAM 7.5.2.

Please see screenshot in this link




2 answers

permanent link
Brian Young (511) | answered Dec 03 '13, 10:41 a.m.
Hello Sripriya,

I do not believe it is possible to prevent the "Review" link on an asset's General Details page from showing.

What is your concern with having a consumer being able to review the asset?

permanent link
Rich Kulp (3.6k38) | answered Dec 03 '13, 1:22 p.m.
A true consumer will not see the review tab. If the user does not have update access to an asset and the user is not collaborator of an asset in the current state then the review tab will not show up.

If it is showing up then that user had more access to that asset then just a standard user.

Note: The above link to dropbox doesn't work so I don't know what review link you are talking about. The only review link I know about is the one on the asset details page on the left.

Rich Kulp commented Dec 13 '13, 3:17 p.m.

Found a little more info out.
The review link cannot be removed, but what shows can be restricted. If you configure the state in the lifecycle to be a private review then only the reviewers assigned to that state, while it is in that state, plus owners and admins, will see the review information. Others will not see review information.

The review tab also shows the latest history in the state. But that is not secret, that is a subset of the same information shown in the activities as seen in the lower left of the details page.

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