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How to customize live report for CLM?

Jia Jia Li (8058157192) | asked Nov 25 '13, 1:12 a.m.
retagged Nov 25 '13, 3:55 a.m. by Francesco Chiossi (5.7k11119)
We have used RRDI to make customized reports, but the reports are not live. If we want the latest data, we should run jtl firstly or wait for the scheduled etl job completed.

If we want the live data report, how can we do?


Accepted answer

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Francesco Chiossi (5.7k11119) | answered Nov 25 '13, 3:54 a.m.
Hello Jia Jia Li,

live reports are available only for RQM, see details here:

Optional: Setting up live reporting

See also this thread on the implications of live reporting vs data warehouse reporting:

how to decide that I need RQM live reporting ?

Best Regards
Jia Jia Li selected this answer as the correct answer

Jia Jia Li commented Nov 27 '13, 1:20 a.m.

Thanks Francesco, more question here, I think the reports in CLM default dashboard are live reports. Does them create by REST API or access the db directly?

Francesco Chiossi commented Nov 27 '13, 4:43 a.m.

Hello Jia Jia Li,

the CLM default reports are build with BIRT and can access both live data and the data warehouse contents.

Best Regards

long TRUONG commented Sep 17 '14, 12:59 p.m.

@Francesco: Do you mean all OOTB reports can pick up live data ?

Francesco Chiossi commented Sep 18 '14, 4:24 a.m.

Hello long,

the OOTB Birt reports that are run directly from CLM can access the live data, the data warehouse or both, depending on each specific report.

For example if you look at:

Change and configuration management predefined report descriptions

table 1 has a column DW/Live/Both that tells from where each report pick the data from.

Best Regards,

Francesco Chiossi

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