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'Team Artifact' view in Rational Functional Tester 8.3

Peter Weller (1523) | asked Nov 13 '13, 4:58 a.m.
edited Nov 13 '13, 5:05 a.m.

I have just installed Rational Functional Tester onto Windows 7 and I'm not seeing the "Team Artifact" view.

I have read other posts like 'Team Artifact' view in RTC and I'm still not able to add/access the view.  Do I need to install an additional plug-in for Functional Tester?  As I'm able to see this view in RTC on other computers without any issue.


Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Nov 13 '13, 5:23 a.m.
The team Artifacts View is part of RTC. You have to install RTC into Functional Tester either by installing it into it using Installation Manager, install an RTC package that might ship with it. The first option allows to install newer versions, so that is the preferred option, at least for me, to setup Eclipse based tools with RTC in addition.

In the past I have seen situations where RTC was installed into other Eclipse tools and RTC perspectives not showing up. You can try to open the Work Item Perspective, if this is the case (and if you installed RTC with FT). You can check in Window>Preferences>General>Capabilities, if Team and Jazz Source Control Tracking are available - which hint RTC is installed and enable them, should they not be enabled.
Peter Weller selected this answer as the correct answer

Peter Weller commented Nov 13 '13, 5:30 a.m.

Hi Ralph,

Thank you for the quick reply, I have checked the Capabilities and Jazz Source Control Tracking isn't available.  I will now try to install RTC using the Installation Manager to see if that fixes my issue.
Once this is done, I'll confirm the result.

Peter Weller commented Nov 13 '13, 8:41 a.m.

Hi Ralph,

I had to un-install Functional Tester, then install RTC and finally Functional Tester into RTC and everything is working as it should.  :o)

Thank you again for you help.


One other answer

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Peter Weller (1523) | answered Nov 13 '13, 5:30 a.m.
Hi Ralph,

Thank you for the quick reply, I have checked the Capabilities and Jazz Source Control Tracking isn't available.  I will now try to install RTC using the Installation Manager to see if that fixes my issue.
Once this is done, I'll confirm the result.

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