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can i use RFT (functional tester) to automate our tests against microsoft windows desktop Thick clients

Vinod Reddy (1326) | asked Aug 12 '14, 3:41 p.m.
Hi - am evaluating to see if RFT helps to automate tests against the Windows Desktop Thick clients (which are developed using .NET/VBScript). Does RFT tried and tested to work with windows desktop applications and if there are any best practices or hints to use RFT in this scenario.


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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Aug 13 '14, 6:36 a.m.
Hi, Vinod

Unfortunately this forum is not for pure RFT questions, please can you try RFTGUI testing forum in IBM developerWorks community to discuss this issue further.

In general, my understanding is that RFT does support .Net developed application or general Windows desktop(.net framework required). A quick look at the supported domains in RFT can be found below, you can have more detailed discussions in the above RFT forum.

Hopefully this helps you to start with.

Vinod Reddy selected this answer as the correct answer

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