Why does creating a UI sketch in the sandbox result in a CRRRW8010E error?
"The content that you requested could not be generated.
The converter application encountered an error that prevented the graphical content from being created or retrieved. This is usually caused by a configuration error for the converter application. It may have missing dependencies or was not started correctly. Ask your administrator to verify the converter application was correctly installed and configured."
Why is this happening?
Accepted answer
Most likely your converter configuration is not performed correctly. Please refer to https://jazz.net/library/article/1089 for further help.
Sorry for not being clearer. This is happening in my jazz.net sandbox project area, i.e. https://jazz.net/sandbox02-rm/web
Ah.. I will get someone to investigate this on sandbox02.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
1 vote
There was an issue with sandbox02 server -> rm converter configuration. We have fixed it and the issue you mentioned should be resolved now.
Thanks, that's better
I have CRRRW8010E problem, i run the converterdiagnostictool
I have exactly the same error.
Shilpa Toraskar, How did you fix the error you had in the Sandbox?
chechconverter.sh returned the error below.
Error: The server returned an unexpected status code: 503
Provide the diagnostic output file in communication with support
Output filename: ./checkconverter-20130701_091452.log
Cleaning up... Done.