RQM 4.0.4 Excel Importer Error 400: Bad Request when importing to Sandbox repository

I'm evaluating RQM for a project and am currently using the 4.0.4 sandbox environment. I was using the 4.0.4 Excel Importer tool and generated many test scripts and cases to file correctly. I was able to upload these scripts and cases to my project in the sandbox.
If I instead attempt to post the scripts and cases to the sandbox directly with the Excel Import to Repository ability, my credentials are validated, I choose my project, then all 4 artifacts fail due to Error 400: Bad Request. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Can the sandbox environment receive import requests?
Accepted answer

Not sure whether you're still working on this one. I finally got time to set it all up again and could get the exact same error message as you did. Only then I realized I overlooked the message that you original posted:
Proxy Error: Host connected but unable to forward request "", please retry, errno: 32The debug log shows a bit more details and indicates that this message is thrown by the Edge Components Caching Proxy. So far, I can only conclude that the jazz.net reverse proxy is configured in a way that does not allow us to use the RQM Excel Importer.
4 other answers

Can you show some screen shots of the steps you are taking in Excel to run the tool and also post what you see in the Excel Import logs. In searching for "400 Bad Request" errors, the only hits I find are for OSLC integration issues where the clocks are out of sync and that doesn't match with this use case.

hi miles, i think there's something wrong with your config file.can you download a RQM application, and deploy on your local environment.Please let me know if you still have this problem.

Hi Ma Chi,
I cannot install the RQM application at my local environment at the moment. I'm trying to see if RQM can help my team with our project testing, but we can't install it without approval (which comes after I tell IT that we need this product).
I do have an update, though. I ran a test case in offline mode and opened the .rqms file with the Excel Importer. I filled in the StepResult for each step and attempted to export it back to the repository. I received the Error 400 Bad Request again. This means that my configuration file is not the problem as this export used the rqms config.
- Miles

hi Miles ,
Can you send some screen captures to my email machibj@cn.ibm.com. Please send me the config file and the excel file if you are convenient.

When connecting to https://jazz.net/sandbox02-qm was using HTTPS which apparently isn't supported by Excel Importer. I changed the address to HTTP http://jazz.net/sandbox02-qm and no longer receive a 400 Bad Request.
Hope this helps everyone!

It worked just fine in my local QM 601 environment, but I'm facing the same issue when I use my QM jazz.net sandbox.
QM 6.0.1 iFix002a
RQMExcellImporter Version 6.0.121691
WOW Test Cases
Error message:
Getting artifacts from document - "WOW Test Cases.xls".....
Sending artifacts to https://jazz.net/sandbox02-qm.....
Sending testscript 0 named WOW_Test_Cases_Test_Cycle_2_3_16.xml...
Error sending to server WOW_Test_Cases_Test_Cycle_2_3_16.xml of type testscript
The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.
3/11/2016 1:45:24 PM:
3/11/2016 1:45:24 PM:
SESSION: 3/11/2016 1:45:24 PM
3/11/2016 1:45:24 PM: Getting artifacts from current document WOW Test Cases.xls
3/11/2016 1:45:24 PM: Created 54 artifacts, sending to server
3/11/2016 1:45:24 PM: sending testscript0 named WOW_Test_Cases_Test_Cycle_2_3_16.xml
3/11/2016 1:45:25 PM: Server returned code BadRequest
3/11/2016 1:45:25 PM: Error sending to server WOW_Test_Cases_Test_Cycle_2_3_16.xml of type testscript
3/11/2016 1:45:25 PM: Proxy Error: Host connected but unable to forward request "", please retry, errno: 32
3/11/2016 1:45:25 PM: sending testscript1 named WOW_Test_Cases_Test_Cycle_2_3_15.xml
3/11/2016 1:45:26 PM: Server returned code BadRequest
I will post a new question about that...
Miles Thompson
Nov 01 '13, 6:10 p.m.If someone else would like to try exporting to this project, the server is https://jazz.net/sandbox02-qm. Use your Jazz.net credentials to gain access.
Chenyue Gao
JAZZ DEVELOPER Nov 11 '13, 11:28 a.m.can you access to RQM server and manually create the test scripts and test cases with the username/password used in the RQM excel importer? Thanks
Miles Thompson
Nov 11 '13, 11:59 a.m.Hi Chenyue,
Miles Thompson
Nov 20 '13, 4:04 p.m.All, have another update: