Getting error when copying work item to different project with different process and changing the type

The error appears only in Web UI and not in Eclipse client, maybe this is bug?
Versions 4.0.3 and 4.0.4.
Steps to reproduce:
1) Hit the copy work item -button to copy work item from project area to another. Select destination project with different process.
2) before saving copied work item try changing the work item type. Some types works but some give following error right after the change:
Error fetching or storing Work Item <17:00:23> | Details: Error opening work item.
One answer

Hello Simo,
I tested on my RTC 4.0.3 environment and was able to reproduce the issue.
I think it may be working as design as different process based project, different type of workitem type would contain different workflow and attributes. When you are attempting to change WI type to other type, you are trying to change to structure of copied WI to something that is not original.
While I believe error message could improve to portray better definition of error, I think WI type should not be changed upon WI copy/move