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Unable to get plan view working with date based filters

John Goodson (2169) | asked Oct 25 '13, 5:03 p.m.
I studied the article and wiki on customizing the plan view using the QuickQuery syntax:
It indicates you can create filters or colors based on expressions that include dates such as dueDate:<today

I tried every way possible to get this to work and I am completely unable to make this work in my web plan view. I can get the QuickQuery Syntax to work for many other attributes like status, owners, tag, etc, but I can't get anything to work on dates in any way shape or form. I have tried absolute date, relative dates, different fields, different work item types and nothing seems to work.

Has anyone else successfully gotten this to work? We just want to mark past due items in red in our plan view.

I have a "hack" in place where I add the tag "pastdue" to the work item and that colorizes it, but that is going to take manual effort to keep updated when it should work automatically.

Server is running version 4.0.2 CLM
Browser tried Chrome and Firefox

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Millard Ellingsworth (2.5k12431) | answered Oct 25 '13, 8:21 p.m.
I just did exactly what you are trying to do (twice). I opened a Sprint plan, add a new task, set its Due Date to this past Wednesday, edited the plan view, add a Colors item, changed the color to red, then typed "due" and it suggested dueDate: and I clicked on that, then added "< today" and clicked OK in the editor. The item was tagged with a red "Colors" flag. I used Chrome and tried it with RTC 4.0.3 and RTC 4.0.5 (sorry, don't have a 4.0.2 server handy).

Sorry for asking the obvious question: are you sure you had visible items in the particular plan that matched the entered criteria?
John Goodson selected this answer as the correct answer

John Goodson commented Oct 28 '13, 2:22 p.m. | edited Oct 28 '13, 2:25 p.m.

 HI Millard,

Thanks for the quick answer. I am not sure if this is relevant to the issue, but I am trying to make this work in a release plan. I noticed you said you were doing this in a sprint plan. COuld there be a slight difference there? 

Millard Ellingsworth commented Oct 28 '13, 2:28 p.m.

What may be relevant is that Release plans may not display items from sub teams nor execution (vs. plan) items depending on how they are configured. That's why I wanted to make sure that there were visible items displayed on the plan that should be colored (and aren't). It's possible that your coloring is fine and there are no items displayed that would match it. 

Millard Ellingsworth commented Oct 28 '13, 2:35 p.m.

I just tried it on a Release plan that was showing Iterations, opened up a Story and edited a task to be due already then added the coloring. Still worked fine. Are you using a the Scrum template? Any other customizations to the plan you are using? 

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