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RQMExcelImporter : Linking Requirement, Test Case and Test Script (with relevant steps) to each other and importing into RQM

Rajesh Avanthi (10815145173) | asked Oct 18 '13, 4:44 a.m.
retagged Oct 18 '13, 5:19 a.m. by Sunil Kumar R (1.1k13344)

I would like to know if we can create a configuration file (.Cfg file) which can assist in linking the requirements, TestCases, and TestScripts (with relevant Steps defined) and get it imported into RQM (either 3.x / 4.x) via RQMExcelImporter?

For Example:  Requirement 1 <---link to---> Test case 1 <---link to---> Test Script 1 (with steps)

I came across similar kind of request where a possible workaround was provided mentioning that there exists no direct way of achieving such requirement.

Note: This utility was tested with Rational Quality Manager and applicable iFix releases only

Any inputs / suggestion of achieving this requirement ??

Thanks in advance

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Oct 18 '13, 6:57 a.m.
You should be able to do that from v4.0 RQMExcelImporter onwards. You can refer to for more details. When installing ExcelImporter, the sample cfg files should also provide that.

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