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Install RTC Client into RSA 8.0.3 - 64bit

I have RSA 8.0.3 (64bit version) installed into Windows 7 64 bits.
I want to install RTC client into this installation. I don't have privilege to run Instalation Manager, but I can install plugins into RSA.
I tried to download p2 installation, but the link seems broken (https://jazz.net/downloads/rational-team-concert/releases/4.0.1/RTC-Client-p2Repo-4.0.1.zip)
Also, I'd like to know if I can install RTC client over a 64 bits RSA.
One answer

You should be able to download the p2 zip at the link you included above. I just tried it and it works fine for me, so perhaps there was a temporary issue with the download.
Also, you say 'I don't have privilege to run Installation Manager'. There are actually 2 different flavors of the Installation Manager. There is a version that requires administrative privileges and installs products for all users and there is a 'user' version which can be used to install a product for an individual user. If your issue is that you don't have administrative privileges on the system you may also be able to use the user-level version of IM. If you have downloaded the web installer, there is an affordance in the lower right hand corner of the launchpad which lets you choose which IM is run (admin vs. non-admin).
Also, you say 'I don't have privilege to run Installation Manager'. There are actually 2 different flavors of the Installation Manager. There is a version that requires administrative privileges and installs products for all users and there is a 'user' version which can be used to install a product for an individual user. If your issue is that you don't have administrative privileges on the system you may also be able to use the user-level version of IM. If you have downloaded the web installer, there is an affordance in the lower right hand corner of the launchpad which lets you choose which IM is run (admin vs. non-admin).