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RTC Queries can still be saved/deleted after disabling Save/Delete Query actions - Is that expected behavior???

Maria Victoria Martinez Torino (14924559) | asked Sep 13 '13, 10:32 a.m.
I am using RTC 4.0.2 (the eclipse client is also v4.0.2 and the browser used for web client is FF ESR 17)

I have an RTC project in which all the "Work Item -> Save Query" and "Work Item -> Delete Query" Permitted Actions are disabled for both the Everyone and Stakeholder roles:

However, both  Everyone and Stakeholder roles can still modify, save and delete Work Item queries. Is this expected behavior or a bug in the product?

Thanks in advance.


2 answers

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Marek Siekierski (817510) | answered Sep 13 '13, 4:50 p.m.
Hi Victoria,

It looks like you're using the OTB Scrum Process, and I've tried to reproduce the problem but everything works as expected. The users that are not permitted to save or delete a query cannot:
Permission Denied
You don't have permission to perform the following actions: Modify the query conditions (modify/conditions) Share or unshare a query (modify/sharing) Modify other query attributes (modify/other)
The users are able to save and delete their own queries as long as they are not shared on the server.

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Simon Eickel (1.1k75457) | answered Sep 14 '13, 4:34 a.m.
Hi Maria,

do you have a team structure containing parent and sub teams?
Maybe the users which shall not be able to save within the subteam have a role within the parent team which gives them the permission to. Is this possible?

Permissions will be inherited by the child team from the parent team.

Hope this helps,

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