Multiple Releases referring to the same Global Configuration?
At the moment, I have multiple releases for my project referencing to the same global configuration (which is also the root of the hierarchy).
Seems to be working at the moment, am I going to hit any problems in the future that I haven't thought about?
The reason is that we are treating 'releases' as phases of a traditional project (non-software) but all teams/timelines/components making up the same project (root global config). The global config is being used to allow multiple teams, parallel developments between teams, re-use of components in the future, etc.
One answer
If your releases are sequential, and no two releases are being actively developed at the same time, then having all the releases map to the same global configuration is fine. But if two releases are active at the same time, then you will need a different configuration for each release, since a given global configuration can only define the state of a single release.