Is there an issue by simply adding to ccm/ ?

We are trying to enable distributed SCM in CCM. However, after setting the value to true and then clicking on save, we get the error, "Invalid registry object, org.eclipse.core.runtime.InvalidRegistryObjectException, etc ..."
We found and found Lily Wang's reply in it indicating that there is a bug
Looks like the workaround is to simply add "" to ccm/ Can someone confirm that we can simply do this without causing a side-effect to CCM ? Do we need to restart CCM for this to take effect or is the change instantaneous ?
We found and found Lily Wang's reply in it indicating that there is a bug
Looks like the workaround is to simply add "" to ccm/ Can someone confirm that we can simply do this without causing a side-effect to CCM ? Do we need to restart CCM for this to take effect or is the change instantaneous ?