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How to replace Defect Form Business Area data

Daniel Serrano (612) | asked Aug 21 '13, 11:08 p.m.
edited Aug 22 '13, 9:53 a.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646)
How to replace Defect Form Definitions like Business Area which contains: Unassigned, Business Area1, Business Area2, Business Area3 values?

Ralph Schoon commented Aug 22 '13, 4:49 a.m.

I don't understand what this question is about.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 22 '13, 10:43 a.m.
Are you saying today the Defect form in CleatQuest does contain that information and you wonder how to do this in RTC?

If so, you should probably start reading here: . Unfortunately there is no one size-fits-all answer in RTC how to map the concepts. In ClearQuest you probably used stateless records for some of the data. In RTC you would use Categories, Releases and other means to map it. There are a lot of considerations how to set up and use RTC.

Release could be mapped to releases in RTC (in a project area).

Model/Version to Strings or enumerations (See Lab 3-4 for some considerations) also , , .

Same with Business Area. the HTTP Filtered Value Provide approach would be a way too and most flexible.

Product/Application could be done using Categories/Teams.

This is something that exceeds what is practical in the forum. It would make sense to talk to some Consultant, explain how you work and organize your teams and come up with a good mapping.
Daniel Serrano selected this answer as the correct answer

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Daniel Serrano (612) | answered Aug 22 '13, 9:18 a.m.

Hi, My question pointing to the topic: Adding values to key fields in the defect section in RQM.
This was covered on the following link:, but using "RTC client from", wondering if it is possible to do the same but from RTC WEB client


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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 22 '13, 10:01 a.m.

I still don't understand the Term Business Area.
If you refer to team areas that could be a totally different matter. The article refers to RQM 2.0.1. Back then RQM had the RTC work item component included. You were able to connect to RQM using the RTC Eclipse client to do some administrative tasks e.g. create teams, categories etc. If you set up more recent versions of RQM you set up a RTC project to do defect tracking and all that work is typical RTC administration and customization.

So the version you have and with which version you started matters.

Besides that I still don't understand your question and what you intend to do in a way that I feel I would be able to  begin to provide an answer. The question is too short, does not provide a good description etc. For example, assuming you are talking about replacing the categories in a defect (filed against) that tie it to a team, the question remains with what you want to replace it. What is the desired outcome?

Daniel Serrano commented Aug 22 '13, 10:24 a.m. | edited Aug 22 '13, 12:39 p.m.

Thank you Ralph!
I will try to explain more details about what I trying to do.
We just started using the RTC v 4.0 and trying to setup everything from Project Plan until defects that we already have in previous versions. We thinking to migrate all defects from Rational ClearQuest but before that we need to be sure about Fields match between RTC and CQ to then migrate. The defects creation Form at this time contains some field values (ComboBox) with predefined values that we need to replace with the project ones like:

Business Area:  Unassigned, Business Area1, Business Area2, Business Area3

Product/Application: Unassigned, Product/Application1, Product/Application2, Product/Application3

Model/Version: Unassigned, Model/Version1, Model/Version2, Model/Version3

* Release: Unassigned, 1-A, 2-B, 3-C

Wondering if this changes can be done from the RTC Web Version and not from the RTC Eclipse.
Thanks in advance.

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