RQM v4.0.2 How does Quality Objectives evaluate?

As per the Quality Objectives section of a test plan, some objectives are calculated OK but some not.
The OK ones like % of Execution Record Pass Rate are calculated correctly when Evaluate Quality Objectives button is pressed.
But Number of Blocked Execution Records is always 0 though a few TCERs are blocked. We are using CQ instead of CCM though.
Also, Number of Open Sev1 Defects, % of Sev2 Defects Open are always 0. They are not calculated if we are using CQ?
I am also wondering how it determines Sev1 or Sev2? Based on CQ ALMRequest Severity?
Attached are two screenshots for this issue to show that some TCERs are blocked with Severity 1 ticket.
One answer

CQ defects should be processed by the quality objectives evaluator, but you need to set up the Rational ClearQuest synchronizer. Please see more information at:
Rational ClearQuest Synchronizer
CQ defects should be processed by the quality objectives evaluator, but you need to set up the Rational ClearQuest synchronizer. Please see more information at:
Rational ClearQuest Synchronizer