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RQM Execution Variable values are not replaced during the execution of Test case with manual test script

Bharath Rao (915241) | asked Oct 16 '19, 7:39 a.m.

 We see that the variable values are not replaced when execution a test case associated with Manual Test Script. In the Result Previous run, we see that the names are not replaced. 

What is the reason ?

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Bharath Rao (915241) | answered Oct 16 '19, 7:44 a.m.
The issue is intermittent and not seen in all the executions.

The issue could be related to the below work item:

Ensure there is no leading / trailing space in the execution variable name or values. This happens specifically if you are copying the content from the word document. Also ensure there is no formatting seen in word documents due to which additional characters could get introduced in the RQM Variable Name fields.

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