RQMv4.0.2 Can we remove predefined test plan templates?
There are a lot of predefined test plan templates but we do not use them at all, instead we create and use our own ones. Our users expect to remove those they do not use, like 'Agile Test Plan Template', 'Default Test Plan Template', .... Can these predefined templates be deleted or become unseeable?
Accepted answer
Hi Li,
So this is not currently available but planned for a future release.
Currently it's not possible to delete these templates. However, there is a Plan Item for this functionality. Take a look at: https://jazz.net/jazz02/web/projects/Rational%20Quality%20Manager#action=com.ibm.team.workitem.viewWorkItem&id=80321
Item 2) Allow RQM installed templates to be deleted
So this is not currently available but planned for a future release.