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Role based user list for Owned by attribute in Plans

vishnudharan manivannan (1183742) | asked Jul 25 '13, 6:33 a.m.

Hi ,

We are using RTC 4.0 .My Team was asking me about the Taskboard presentation in the plan view.. We would like to change the owned by field ( especially for tasks) we will get a very long selection list. Is it possible to show only  scrum team members ? as it displays stake holders list also. My team have to click on more… to find their names. So, it needs time and is annoying..

I created a role based user list value set ( team members ) and added the value set to the owned by attribute. Now when we open the tasks individually, it displays only the set of team members however I am not sure how to achieve this in the plan views owned by column. Please suggest.

Thanks in advance !

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jul 26 '13, 9:08 a.m.
Hi, If the role based user list does not work in the plan UI, I would suggest to open a defect or enhancement request here:
vishnudharan manivannan selected this answer as the correct answer

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