RTC Burndown Chart - Ideal and Expected complete do not hit 0?

RTC Version 4.0.7
We have an issue with our RTC Burndown charts. When we disable Saturdays and Sundays, the ideal line (orange) and Expected Complete (green) no longer reach zero!
Burndown all days = Ideal and Expected Complete hit Zero ok.
(graph end date is 23 June 2015)
Burndown (disable Sat & Sun) = Ideal and Expected Complete do not Hit Zero?
(graph end date is 19 June 2015)
Iterations: Sprint (09-Jun-2015 - 22-Jun-2015)
Matt Muller
One answer


Thanks for the Answer Ralph but looking into it, I'm sure it's something to do with the:
Sprint End Dates, Data Warehouse and the how the Report uses the "Select Days". As it looks like the Days : drives the report scale Start to end and also the Points on the graph.
The Sprint ends on the Monday.. and the Data warehouse starts midnight and ends just after?
If you could separate the "days to plot on the graph" and the "Scale of the Graph" I think it would be ok.
Anyway not sure it's an easy fix as it's a BIRT report that woudl need to be customised.