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Change default name in repository workspaces creation wizard.

Hello All,
I was trying to customize the repository workspace creation wizard in RTC, mainly the default repository workspace name. When I create a new repository workspace, RTC suggest me something like <stream name> Workspace. I'd like to change it to something like WKS_<stream_name>_<current_user>. Is that possible? Did someone tried it before?
Many thanks.
Accepted answer
One other answer

As far as I know this is not possible as of today but guessing if your concern is to list the owners of all the workspaces then you can use the Source Control Search option to list them all with owners.
However, you can go ahead and open an enhancement request using the link below:
https://jazz.net/jazz/web/projects/Rational Team Concert#action=com.ibm.team.workitem.newWorkItem&type=enhancement
However, you can go ahead and open an enhancement request using the link below:
https://jazz.net/jazz/web/projects/Rational Team Concert#action=com.ibm.team.workitem.newWorkItem&type=enhancement