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Systemupgrade system-i from power 5 V6R1 to power7 V7R1

We have installed on ours i-series the following components:
IBM® Rational® Developer for Power Systems Software
Rational Team Concert Client für Eclipse IDE
The system-i config is as follows:
In the next two months we will upgrade to the following configuration: System Power7 V7R1
Must we particularly follow there something or will everything function furthermore?
Can we run the same configuration for RTC? |
Accepted answer
One other answer

Hi Kevin,
thanks for your answer, did you have a list of the required PTF's. I think we will have the latest CUM PTF because we will make this change with an IBM Buisness partner from Austria.

The PTF requirements for 3.0.1.x are listed on the System Requirements page: https://jazz.net/library/article/632