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XML schema for a Requirement in RQM

Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | asked Dec 15 '08, 6:21 a.m.

A colleague is looking to import requirements data into RQM. He has the data as a text file (CSV) but want to translate this into XML so he can use one of the REST API's to suck in the data.

Any ideas on where to find this info?



5 answers

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Sudhakar Frederick (80113631) | answered Dec 16 '08, 5:38 a.m.
Hi Anthony

I don't think the schemas have been released yet but I've fudged it by
looking at the *_Req.xml files in the <RQMInstalldir>\samples\classics
directory. Those files might not have values in all the fields so you
might need to:
1. Import the RQM Classics samples by running install_samples.bat
2. Start the RQM server, login, then navigate to All Requirements, pick
one (Add New Customer for example), add values for all the fields you
need and save it.
3. navigate to

That should show you the xml (for the Requirement you selected in 2.)
which you can use.

Note that you can use the above for testcases/scripts/plans by replacing
the "requirement/AddNewCustomer_Req.xml" bit as appropriate;
testcase/Logout_TC.xml for example.

There must be an easier/better way but necessity they say is the mother
of invention:-)


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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Dec 16 '08, 5:54 a.m.
Hi Anthony

I don't think the schemas have been released yet but I've fudged it by
looking at the *_Req.xml files in the <RQMInstalldir>\samples\classics
directory. Those files might not have values in all the fields so you
might need to:
1. Import the RQM Classics samples by running install_samples.bat
2. Start the RQM server, login, then navigate to All Requirements, pick
one (Add New Customer for example), add values for all the fields you
need and save it.
3. navigate to

That should show you the xml (for the Requirement you selected in 2.)
which you can use.

Note that you can use the above for testcases/scripts/plans by replacing
the "requirement/AddNewCustomer_Req.xml" bit as appropriate;
testcase/Logout_TC.xml for example.

There must be an easier/better way but necessity they say is the mother
of invention:-)


Many thanks Freddy - that does help, we will try it out.


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Paul Murray (2122) | answered Dec 17 '08, 6:03 a.m.

What we are trying to do is to figure out how to import a set of requirements from a source that RQM does not connect to.

We want to import tham all and then later after the requirements have been updated in the external tool then reimport them so that any updates are captured as updates and that no duplicate requirements are created from the reimport.

I Know that we must be able to work as I have played about with the 'poster' tool in firefox where I have submitted a requirement and then updated it through the poster but if I had the format required for the requirements imprt option in RQM then I think we could hopefully use that.

I thinkks its deciding what goes in the as the <identifier> tag.

So what is the format that the xml file needs to be for import to have this included. I've tried to import from xml but can't seem to get it work.

Would I be able to import the following: <xml>
- <requirement>
<title>Add New Customer</title>
<description>Add New Customer modified desc</description>

Thanks in advance if you ca help.

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Dec 17 '08, 9:49 a.m.

What we are trying to do is to figure out how to import a set of requirements from a source that RQM does not connect to.

We want to import tham all and then later after the requirements have been updated in the external tool then reimport them so that any updates are captured as updates and that no duplicate requirements are created from the reimport.

I Know that we must be able to work as I have played about with the 'poster' tool in firefox where I have submitted a requirement and then updated it through the poster but if I had the format required for the requirements imprt option in RQM then I think we could hopefully use that.

I thinkks its deciding what goes in the as the <identifier> tag.

So what is the format that the xml file needs to be for import to have this included. I've tried to import from xml but can't seem to get it work.

Would I be able to import the following: <xml>
- <requirement>
<title>Add New Customer</title>
<description>Add New Customer modified desc</description>

Thanks in advance if you ca help.

Hi Paul

Try doing this as another user. If the Jazz repository on RQM is anything like the RTC setup - ADMIN has limited rights (on purpose).


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Paul Murray (2122) | answered Dec 17 '08, 10:18 a.m.
Hi anthony tried that its the format of the import that I am struggling with.

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