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RTC Web Dashboard query for change set comparison

Jens Dehnert (813) | asked Jul 22 '15, 4:49 a.m.
I am setting up and thinking on how we can best use rational environments for our upcoming project.
I have the idea to set up some queries, which give us as a team an overview on pending work and so on, as  it has helped in my earlier projects.
Because of the way we might use streams, it would be rather beautiful, if we could see changes that are in one stream but not in the other. I can do that in my RSA, which is already good, but having to do such a comparison manually defeats the overview I would like to achieve and give to the team.
In the current queries I could only search for work items with change sets, and stream comparison does not seem to be as sophisticated in the web view as in the rsa / eclipse view.
Is there a way to set something like this up?
Right now I have access to RTC 5.0.2 with a corresponding eclipse plugin for RSA 8.0.4, but for said (near) future a higher version could be selected.

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jul 22 '15, 5:53 a.m.
As far as I can tell, this is only available in the RTC SCM clients. There is no dashboard that shows the differences between two streams.

As a thought, be careful what you put on your dashboards. The more you put on your dashboards the more that also generates load on your system. Dependent on how many users you have, this can have impact on performance. A stream compare every time a user opens a dashboard would potentially a costly operation.
Jens Dehnert selected this answer as the correct answer

Jens Dehnert commented Jul 22 '15, 7:23 a.m.

the info about load is a good one, thank you for that.
Maybe we will just manage that with work items and their status then, the old fashioned way ;)

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 22 '15, 7:46 a.m.

I think you can see build results in the dashboards. From the build results you can get at the change sets that went into that build compared with the build before. This is not a full stream compare and kind of the other way around.

One other answer

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Jens Dehnert (813) | answered Jul 22 '15, 7:23 a.m.
edited Jul 22 '15, 7:23 a.m.

the info about load is a good one, thank you for that.
Maybe we will just manage that with work items and their status then, the old fashioned way ;)

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