How to use "Views" artifact type in the reporting interface of RRC
The RRDG template supplied for "printing" modules in RRC uses the artifact type of views. I am unable to find any documentation on how to use this.
I can get the schema for it via https://<servername>:<portno>/rm/publish/views?metadata=schema but I can not get any data out of it. What parameter(s) does the views artifact take? Everything I have tried (via a web browser) other than requesting the schema just returns:
CRRRS6536E No view was found to in the request (More info found at entry [829e2f86e6b3544f] in the RM application server log)
Any guidance or documentation on using the views artifact type would be appreciated.
I can get the schema for it via https://<servername>:<portno>/rm/publish/views?metadata=schema but I can not get any data out of it. What parameter(s) does the views artifact take? Everything I have tried (via a web browser) other than requesting the schema just returns:
CRRRS6536E No view was found to in the request (More info found at entry [829e2f86e6b3544f] in the RM application server log)
Any guidance or documentation on using the views artifact type would be appreciated.
3 answers
Hi all,
If you follow the link from Fabian's comment above (RRCReportableRestAPI), it looks like "views" is not a supported artifact format that you can use through the Reporting REST API. If you are trying to report on specific artifacts from a view, you should probably use one of the following commands:
https://server:port/rm/publish/[artifact_format]?viewURI=id1&projectURI=id2 (If you know the URI of the view)
ex) https://server:port/rm/publish/resources?viewURI=_c1cm0L3VEeCPFbe791FOoQ&projectURI=_bBIqQqvyEeCwWN-gBxjnGw
https://server:port/rm/publish/[artifact_format]?viewName=name1&projectURI=id2 (If you know the name of the view, but not the URI)
ex) https://server:port/rm/publish/resources?viewName=Requirements&projectURI=_bBIqQqvyEeCwWN-gBxjnGw
Hope this is what you are looking for!
Mike Jaworski
I think the "views" is a property of Modules which is different from the "view" artifact type in the broader context of the project area.
We are finding that it is necessary to use the undocumented "views" interface because it is much faster than trying to iterate through the module and request data on each artifact within it. It seems like the "views" url requires a cached copy of a view that has been loaded within a module. We were able to get the URI from the logs on the server, but the URL seems to no longer be valid after a server restart.
Fabian Lomeli
JAZZ DEVELOPER Jun 04 '13, 5:51 p.m.Something might be occurring in your server. You should see the rm.log and look for the 829e2f86e6b3544f entry for further details about the problem. However you can find out more information about Reportable Rest API here:
RRCReportable Rest API
Fabian Lomeli
JAZZ DEVELOPER Jun 04 '13, 5:52 p.m.Sorry, the more specific link is Artifact types on 3.0.1