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Going from a single CLM host to multiple

3 answers

the help is not able to cover all the gory details especially since there are so many topologies. We have created https://jazz.net/library/article/831 to give you an idea how that process could look like.

Migrating databases and application servers are covered here: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v4r0m1/nav/6_3
And configuring a reverse proxy is covered here: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v4r0m1/topic/com.ibm.jazz.install.doc/topics/t_config_reverse_proxy_ihs.html


Hi Adrian, if the customer has provided different public URI'S with different host names in the public URI say https://jts.server.com/jts, https://ccm.server.com/ccm and so forth, a scenario I did not expect, you can simply move the applications to their own boxes. then redirect the DNS to the separate boxes and you are done.
You don't need WAS, Tomcat would do. The only caveat would be that there is no single sign on solution I am aware of with Tomcat. So splitting would require people to log into each server once, if they use them.
IHS and WAS would help with SSO if you had a cmmon public URI with just /jts and /ccm being different. I am not sure you can use SSO with WAS in the described scenario. Please look into https://jazz.net/library/article/413 and some other enlightening articles to get more information.
PS: I won't be available to answer next week.

Hi Ralph,

Adrian, almost.
You would install only the apps you need on each box, then restore the backup data for each app on the box that should run that app. You can see what data needs to be moved in https://jazz.net/library/article/795.
You should not install apps that you don't need on a server. At least for registration the conf/app folders are passed and it will find folders that are not needed.
I went somewhere with a bit more pleasant, warmer weather.

This assumes that you can do the moves with keeping the URI's of the applications stable. Also be aware that e.g. the Lifecycle Process Administration (LPA) app conf/admin needs to stay with the JTS. You would see which data needs to be backed up once you install the apps desired on a box. look into the server/conf/ folder and restore the data for the apps you find there.