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Best way to migrate requirements from one server/db to another?

Andy Moynahan (6312219) | asked May 23 '13, 9:54 p.m.
retagged Jun 01 '13, 4:28 p.m. by Douglas Bush (28125)

I have a client that has requirements in RRC now but must migrate the data in that server to a newly built server.

They can't reuse the existing database or server. They want to migrate the data in their current RRC server to an already existing second server.

I've looked into exporting requirements in either .csv files or REqIF files but in both cases some data will be lost.
For example ReqIF doesn't preserve audit history.

What is the best way to move the requirements from one server to another?
This would be a one time migration and there is no requirement for bi-directional synchronization.



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Jason Warner (1063) | answered May 28 '13, 3:34 p.m.
Hi Andy,

This can be accomplished using the repotools script.  Please see the documentation for details on exporting and importing your database (  I've linked you to the documentation for 4.0 since no specific version of RRC was provided. 



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