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LDAP nightly sync task is not synchronizing user from LDAP to JTS and it was working fine before from last 1 year.

. Problem description LDAP sync is not synchronizing user from LDAP to JTS. 2.Users are present in LDAP and I can import them through JTS GUI. 3.After running script, it says User synchronization has been successfully requested and is running in the background. Progress can be tracked using the feed at 'https://www. pd-dv.jlrint.com/jts/events?provider=ldapnightlysync'. 4. After running https://www.pd-dv.jlrint.com/jts/events? provider=ldapnightlysync, I am getting following messages- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><feed xmlns="http://www.w3. org/2005/Atom" xmlns:syndication="http://www.ibm.com/jazz/0.1.0 /syndication"><id>urn:uuid:_UpGqEWnEEeGaX6SweNS8wQ</id><title type=" html">User records changed by LDAP nightly sync task</title><updated>2013-05-22T06:08:49Z</updated><entry><id>urn:uuid: __FBUcbonEeKRduv9pxCsvg</id><title type="html">CRJAZ1329E The user "CN=S-1-5-21-996065124-1290041856-3981285745-102416, CN=ForeignSecurityPrincipals,O=ford,C=US" does not exist in LDAP directory.</title><updated>2013-05-11T11:46: 07Z</updated><author><name>ADMIN</name><email>ADMIN</email></author><sum mary type="html">CRJAZ1330E The user "CN=S-1-5-21-996065124- 1290041856-3981285745-102416,CN=ForeignSecurityPrincipals,O=ford, C=US" is a member of one of the Jazz groups in the LDAP directory but the LDAP person record does not exist.</summary><link href="/ {unknown}" /><category term="LDAPNightlySync" /><syndication: repositoryId type="text">_UpGqEWnEEeGaX6SweNS8wQ</syndication: repositoryId><syndication:Action type="text">Dangling</syndication: Action><syndication:modified type="text">2013-05-11T11:46: 07Z</syndication:modified><syndication:publicUri type="text">https: //www.pd-dv.jlrint.com/jts/</syndication:publicUri><syndication: repositoryURL type="text">https://www.pd-dv.jlrint. com/jts/</syndication:repositoryURL></entry><entry>
4 answers

wmic useraccount get name,sid | findstr <sid of user> to see if the ldap registry can even resolve the user.

Is "CN=S-1-5-21-996065124-1290041856-3981285745-102416,CN=ForeignSecurityPrincipals,O=ford,C=US" a valid distinguish name of a user in LDAP?
The message indicates this user is a member of the jazz group which means it is listed as a value of the 'member' attribute of one of the jazz groups (assuming this is AD), but when searching for this user, it cannot find it. The LDAP settings in JTS advanced properties page to be reviewed are..
==> Base User DN
==> Find Users by User Id Qeury
==> User Search Object class filter



User sync between LDAP and JTS is not occurring all at ones. There is a huge difference between the LDAP count and that of JTS. Each day JTS is updating only 5 to 10 users and then it stops.
How to solve this behavior? Please help...

We have some help from IBM Support and we able to import some of the users bu using POST command but we couldnt solve the main problem
Karl Weinert
JAZZ DEVELOPER May 22 '13, 12:38 p.m.That looks like a user from a trusted domain has been added to one of the Jazz Groups. I'm not sure how RTC works with domain trusts so I'll make this as a comment and maybe someone else can follow up with the correct procedure if there is one.
I found a post that suggests it may not work but it is a bit old so may be out of date.
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