RTC plugin is not showing in list after deployment for RTC 7.0.2 SR1
I have one plugin which is deployed on RTC version.
The plugin is for creation of subtasks automatically when story work item got saved.
I have deployed it on my local server and it is working as expected.
Now, we are going to move on version 7.0.2 SR1.
I have installed RTC server with newer version and created project area by taking same process template which is I was using previously.
I have checked that RTC eclipse client is compatible with new version also, So I have created site and update project from same plugin code and deployed on my local.
After deployment I have started the server and trying to add plugin to save work item action, but after completing all the steps successfully, I am not able to get the plugin name in list of precondition and follow up action.
Can anyone help me on this.
As its on priority, can anyone reply me ASAP.
2 answers
This is not rocket science and it is quite scary that it needs to be answered here. This should obviously be done for any release: Test your extensions with each version of the application and its SDK you upgrade to, BEFORE upgrading.
There are API changes to adjust for Log4J2 in the SDK that need to be taken into account in 7.0.2. SR1. See https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2022/09/13/workitem-command-line-and-rtc-ewm-extensions-workshop-for-7-0-2-sr1/ . Libraries have been removed and new libraries have been added. This has rarely happened in the past.
Java versions are Java 8 and higher and no longer Java 7.
So, setup an EWM Extensions workshop with nthe version you want to upgrade to ( https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2022/10/26/the-ewm-rational-team-concert-extensions-workshop-and-recent-eclipse-versions/ ) . Debug to verify your extension still compiles and works, then create the deployment files for the new version and deploy that.