Integrate visual studio compilations that runs from FinalBuilder to RTC

I am trying to integrate Final Builder as an automation build tool with RTC Build.
I am running visual studio through FinalBuilder and I want to upload the results of the compilations to RTC Compilation Tab, to see all errors, warnings and success.
Is it possible? And if so how do I do that?
Accepted answer

Hi Rachel, for RTC's built-in support for launching MSBuild, JBE (the Jazz Build Engine) runs MSBuild with a custom logger DLL, whose output we then parse and publish as the compilation results. Unfortunately, there's no way to script this currently. There is an existing enhancement request for this: Provide an msbuildLogPublisher Ant task (256426) See the forum thread referenced there for an approach using XSLT to map from MS Build + MS Build Extension Pack log format to the JDT compiler format expected by our jdtCompileLogPublisher Ant task.

Thanks Nick for the answer. I am trying to open the link you added to your answer. But it doesn't open. I will search for XSLT to map the results on this forum..

The thread I mentioned is here:
One other answer

To me it doesn't seem it is readily possible unless a custom adapter can be written. You can find the list of the tools that integrates with RTC here.