JAVA API to Read/Get the RTC User Profile details?
Hello Everyone,
In RTC 6.0.1 Web UI I can get the details of the users in the user profile such as -
1) Work location
2) Work Days &
3) Work Allocation.
I am interested to retrieve these information using the RTC Plain JAVA API.
Provided the user id, i want to retrieve the above details through RTC 6.0.1 Plain JAVA APIs.
Could you please help me on this? any code snippet to reach till user profile.
Thanks & Regards,
Praveen S H
Accepted answer
Here is some work I have done. It helps locating the classes:
This is from other customers: JAM – Jazz Workallocation Manager A lightweight Web client to manage the Workallocation of users or team within Jazz/RTC I provided them some code but had no time to blog about it.
Some hints:
ResourcePlanningManager resourcePlanningManager = resourcePlanning
IContributorInfo info = resourcePlanningManager.getContributorInfo(
this.user, true, monitor);
ItemCollection<IWorkResourceDetails> details = info
IWorkResourceDetailsHandle[] remove = toRemove
.toArray(new IWorkResourceDetailsHandle[toRemove.size()]);
resourcePlanning.deleteWorkDetails(remove, monitor);
IWorkResourceDetails[] save = toSave
.toArray(new IWorkResourceDetails[toSave.size()]);
resourcePlanning.saveWorkDetails(save, monitor);
There are several challenges with the API and it is not public API, it is internal API.
This is from other customers: JAM – Jazz Workallocation Manager A lightweight Web client to manage the Workallocation of users or team within Jazz/RTC I provided them some code but had no time to blog about it.
Some hints:
ResourcePlanningManager resourcePlanningManager = resourcePlanning
IContributorInfo info = resourcePlanningManager.getContributorInfo(
this.user, true, monitor);
ItemCollection<IWorkResourceDetails> details = info
IWorkResourceDetailsHandle[] remove = toRemove
.toArray(new IWorkResourceDetailsHandle[toRemove.size()]);
resourcePlanning.deleteWorkDetails(remove, monitor);
IWorkResourceDetails[] save = toSave
.toArray(new IWorkResourceDetails[toSave.size()]);
resourcePlanning.saveWorkDetails(save, monitor);
There are several challenges with the API and it is not public API, it is internal API.
One other answer
To access work allocation details, please find the code snippet as below -
// Get the user to whom the work allocation has be to fetched.
IContributor inspectUser = teamRepository.contributorManager().fetchContributorByUserId(user, monitor);
// Get the resource planning client
final IResourcePlanningClient resourcePlanning = (IResourcePlanningClient) teamRepository.getClientLibrary(IResourcePlanningClient.class);
// Get the contributor related planning information
IContributorInfo info = resourcePlanning.getResourcePlanningManager().getContributorInfo(inspectUser, true, monitor);
ItemCollection<IWorkResourceDetails> workDetails = info.getWorkDetails(inspectUser);
for (IWorkResourceDetails iWorkResourceDetails : workDetails) {
if (iWorkResourceDetails != null) {
// The % of work allocated to (Particularly to the timeline which belongs to team/project area)
int assignment = iWorkResourceDetails.getAssignment();
// The work allocation dates - both start date and end date. If dates are defaulss
// Start Date : 2000-01-01 17:30:00.0 & End Date : 3000-01-01 17:30:00.0 that means allocations dates is - "No Date restrictions"
System.out.println("Start Date : " + iWorkResourceDetails.getStartDate());
System.out.println("End Date : " + iWorkResourceDetails.getEndDate());
// Development line (Timeline) to which a user has been allocated
List<IItemHandle> listOfHandles = new ArrayList<IItemHandle>();
IFetchResult fetchCompleteItemsPermissionAware =
.fetchCompleteItemsPermissionAware(listOfHandles, IItemManager.REFRESH, monitor);
IDevelopmentLine completeItem = null;
if (fetchCompleteItemsPermissionAware.getRetrievedItems().get(0) instanceof IDevelopmentLine) {
completeItem = (IDevelopmentLine) fetchCompleteItemsPermissionAware.getRetrievedItems().get(0);
// Project/Team Area where this dev line belongs to
IProjectAreaHandle projectAreaHandle = completeItem.getProjectArea();
listOfHandles = new ArrayList<IItemHandle>();
fetchCompleteItemsPermissionAware =
.fetchCompleteItemsPermissionAware(listOfHandles, IItemManager.REFRESH, monitor);
IProjectArea projectArea = null;
if (fetchCompleteItemsPermissionAware.getRetrievedItems().get(0) instanceof IProjectArea) {
projectArea = (IProjectArea) fetchCompleteItemsPermissionAware.getRetrievedItems().get(0);
Your code looks good. I am confused in the below code.
// Development line (Timeline) to which a user has been allocated
List<IItemHandle> listOfHandles = new ArrayList<IItemHandle>();
IFetchResult fetchCompleteItemsPermissionAware =
.fetchCompleteItemsPermissionAware(listOfHandles, IItemManager.REFRESH, monitor);
From where did you get the developmentLine object in above code?