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Duration bar overlap in RTC Plan

Stephen Bromfield (83510) | asked May 03 '13, 5:07 a.m.
I've got a RTC project area with one user allocated 100% to the one timeline.
I've scheduled five daily tasks to the user, the roadmap view showing duration bars for each day as expected.
I closed the first task at the end of the first day. All fine.
When I checked the plan on the morning of the second day, task 2 is now showing the duration bar scheduled for yesterday, therefore overlapping with the duration bar for the Task 1! This remains even when I start work on Task 2 on the second day. 
So I have 2 tasks (1 open, 1 resolved) assigned to the same user with duration bars for the same day.

How can this be possible? What has gone wrong here? Using RTC 3.0.1. Process template based on openUp.

Stephen Bromfield commented May 03 '13, 11:44 a.m.

Update, I now have the plan, showing the correct schedules (see below). The only thing I changed was to set the iteration to be current (It is the only iteration anyway).

If setting the iteration to current sets the accumulated time to the correct values - what impact does 'current iteration' have on planning?


Stephen Bromfield commented May 07 '13, 5:30 a.m.

Further update - when I remove the current iteration setting from the iteration associated with this plan, the planned time duration bars become skewed again.
This has implications for the project. We plan at multiple levels with various sub iterations below a Timeline, so don't use current iteration. If current iteration is necessary then roadmap and planned time views become meaningless. This must impact the scalability if RTC also.

Defect raised for this issue - Defect 263910

One answer

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Stephen Bromfield (83510) | answered May 08 '13, 4:26 a.m.
I was able to test this scenario in a RTC 4.0 environment and I was not able to replicate the issue.
Removing the current iteration flag had no effect on the duration bars in RTC 4.0.

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