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planning - inconsistent performance - loading links

Bernd van Oostrum (21735673) | asked Dec 29 '15, 5:11 a.m.
When navigating between plans, the performance can be very slow. Also, sometimes the browser just hangs and needs to be killed using task manager. We're seeing this in IE, Firefox and Chrome.

We can see that "getLinks" consumes the most time.
Please check the attached image to see an example; here we had to wait 83seconds (!!!) before the plan showed up...

browsing plans

We're using RTC502 with MSSQL, the RTC-performance statistics are always green.

One answer

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jan 05 '16, 3:07 a.m.
This is something I would consider to take to support. The development team tries to improve the performance e.g. by lazy loading.

But in your case there seems something wrong, as the number of items on the plan are very small. I would not expect that delay for that few items. So this likely requires more inspection.

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