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Filtering Resouces in Plan

Len Stockdale (1412123) | asked Jul 18 '13, 6:02 a.m.
edited Jul 23 '13, 7:44 a.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646)

In RTC 4.0.1 is is possible to filter resources in plans.

In Plans>Resources tab we only want to see resources that have work items allocated to them. Resources that are in the project area but do not have work items need to be hidden.

Is this possible.



Marek Siekierski commented Jul 22 '13, 1:58 p.m.

Hi Len,

I do not see the 'Resource' tab you are talking about. Is your Project Area configured with some custom process? 

James Cole commented Jul 23 '13, 6:09 a.m. | edited Jul 23 '13, 6:12 a.m.

Hi Marek,

The resource tab can been in the screen shot attached. I think the resources tab is a feature of the formal process template.

Hope this helps.



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Sharoon Shetty Kuriyala (55133) | answered Oct 22 '13, 4:53 p.m.
 Hi James,

This is not currently supported in the tool. Please open an enhancement request if you need this feature in the tool.


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