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Types of links between WIs

Sudhakar Frederick (80113631) | asked Nov 30 '08, 10:48 p.m.

Is there a significant difference in terms of reporting etc. what kind
of link (Related, Blocks, Depends On etc) is used to relate WIs?
Also is there a way to restrict the type of links that can be used? For
example I would like users to *not* use the "Depends On" link type.


3 answers

permanent link
Jakub Jurkiewicz (59632) | answered Dec 01 '08, 7:26 a.m.

Is there a significant difference in terms of reporting etc. what kind
of link (Related, Blocks, Depends On etc) is used to relate WIs?
Also is there a way to restrict the type of links that can be used? For
example I would like users to *not* use the "Depends On" link type.


What I'm sure is that when you create children WIs then when you close the parent WI (while children are still opened) you will see a warning in the Plan editor saying "Work item is closed but at least one of its children is open".
I tried the blocks/depends on relation, but the only result of setting one WI as blocking was that there was a Depends on relation set in the blocked WI.
I'm not sure if you can restrict the type of links - maybe this is a good idea for an enhancement?

permanent link
Michal Dusek (61) | answered Dec 22 '08, 8:03 p.m.
has anyone found a good help resource that explains these realtionships

permanent link
Christine Kim (7131) | answered Feb 08 '10, 6:05 p.m.

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