How can we only display a parent link but not child link in the editor presentation?
2 answers
Good Morning,
In the Past if I'm doing something like this I would create a specific attribute which uses the link type attribute and then use that Custom version for that "Work Item Type". This will also prevent other Work Items from adopting that change.
Add the new Attribute
Update the Presentation > created a custom section for the Links (so it doesn't replace all the Links views on other workitems)
Hope that helps
I think that does not remove client from the standard link presentation, but it is a good approach. Also see for a bit more description.
Hi Matt,
Thanks for your response. I have done that but the problem lies with displaying both the child and the parent while under the "Show link types" in the editor presentation we have only selected parent to be displayed, its seems it shows corresponding link types as well. We would like to only show the parent - I am not sure this is possible though. Please see below:
Thanks for your response. I have done that but the problem lies with displaying both the child and the parent while under the "Show link types" in the editor presentation we have only selected parent to be displayed, its seems it shows corresponding link types as well. We would like to only show the parent - I am not sure this is possible though. Please see below: